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Document Scanning Terminology

Achromatic Color: Refers to the colors of light used by document scanners; red, blue, green and red.
Automatic Document Feeder: A device allowing the scanning of multiple pages by feeding the scanner with the required pages.
Bleed: Image that overruns to the edge of the page.
Burn: Darkening a certain part of an image.
Carriage: Component of the scanner that captures the image.
Crop: Page trimming.
Dropout Color: Color invisible to the image scanner.
Gang Scan: Multiple scanning of images at the same time.
Highlight: Brightest sections of an image.
Hue: A pure color.
Interrupt: The microprocessor is stopped by a signal and is instructed to perform a different activity.
Luminance: The intensity of an image.
Mask: Covering a part of the image while performing other activities on the page.
Monochrome: When the page has one single color.
Palette: Set of colors available for producing an image.
Preview Scan: Initial scan that allows for an accurate definition of the final scan's location.
Rescale: Resizing an image.
Thumbnail: Miniature recreation of the page that gives a preview of the final results.
Vector Image: The beginning and ending points of each line define the image.
Zoom: Enlarging a certain section of the image.

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