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Document Storage Introduction

Document Storage is your answer to a convenient working environment with comfortably arranged files and substantial space. Storage provides the means to a well organized work process with easily traceable and immediately available sources, liberating you from the mess associated with document piles scattered around.   Today there is a wide selection of document storage options ranging from practical office-friendly storage boxes, to electronically convertible solutions.

Companies with adequate space, yet lacking the organizational ability to master the maze of files can select from a variety of on-site space saving methods. Lightweight, easily adaptable and specially designed document storage boxes that blend in to the environment have proved to be ideal solutions in a modern office space. While such traditional approach is significantly less expensive than other digitalized methods, larger corporations in need of a serious "clean-up" of documents should seek more advanced solutions. 

Digital documents storage opens doors to a whole new world of storage experience. Business owners and managers who familiarize themselves with the digitalized methods cannot even imagine their daily work without them. Among the sea of options available, we are going to highlight and analyze the often preferred, most versatile methods. These are: compact disk storage, web-based Document Storage , jukebox and raid, as well as COLD/ERM applications. Sounds gibberish so far? No worries, towards the end of our little "tour" we will all have a basic understanding of what these terms really stand for. 
Compact disk storage allows for a relatively inexpensive conversion of all necessary documents to a CD. Compatibility with all CD-Rom drives and redundancy are prerequisites in this case. Simple and safe as this method may seem to be, it does have serious disadvantages. Compact disks are easily destructible and can be misplaced due to their small size. Copying all information into the computer's hard drive might sound time consuming, but can literally save your documents from perishing. 
Web based document storage provides access to your documents through a secure website. All you are required to do is to log in properly. Then you may browse through your neatly arranged files in no time. Professional web-based document storage companies will also manage and maintain your documents, saving you from organizational headaches in the long-run.  

Jukebox and raid storage devices operate like small computers with an access to the complete database of your documents. It is one of the most cost-effective and space-saving solutions, not to mention that they operate at a significantly faster pace than web-based alternatives.

Finally, COLD/ERM applications also convert your documents into digitalized files. Yet in this case, the converted information can be stored in your office computer. In case you prefer supervising the file arrangement process and the automatic creation of reports and so on, this method would perfectly suit your needs! 
The Document Storage Buyers' Guide provides information on how to select the most suitable option among the available document storage companies. Furthermore, the Buyers' Guide provides document storage terminology, a checklist offering useful guidelines, and a selection of interesting articles related to the topic of document storage.

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