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International Movers Terminology

Every business has its own terminology and its own lingo. If you are planning an international move but are unsure of some of the terms being thrown at you, then you might be confused about what you are doing. In order to help you out, we have compiled a quick list of the more commonly used terms used by international movers.

Accessorial Services: Basically any additional services that an international mover offers from packing and unpacking to moving furniture up and down staircases – everything can be done at extra cost.
Advanced Charges: The charges added to your bill of lading for services performed by an outside professional at your request.
Appliance Service: The charges applied for what must be done to get your major appliances ready for shipping.
Bill of Lading: The document containing all of the details of your shipment including address of origin, ultimate destination address, value, insurance information, tracking number, etc.
Binding Estimate: An estimate given by an international moving company that cannot change. Once the contract is signed the shipping company cannot charge you more for the move – conversely if the move actually costs less, you will not be entitled to a discount. Regardless, binding estimates are the best kind to get as shipping costs tend to increase rather than decrease.
Booking Agent: The person responsible for booking and registering your move.
Carrier: The shipping company moving your belongings.
Destination Agent: The person at your ultimate destination who will take charge of your shipment until you are able to come and claim it.
Flight Charge: An extra fee added to your total if the mover has to carry belongings up and down stairs.
Guaranteed Delivery: Whereby a shipper guarantees a delivery date – generally such a service costs extra and is subject to higher minimum weight requirements. If a shipment does not get there by the date promised, you are subject to a refund.
High Value Article: Those belongings that cost more than $100 per pound.
Linehaul Charges: The charges for the vehicle transport portion of your shipment.
Long Carry: The extra fees charged for the mover to transport your belongings from their company to your house.
Non-binding Estimate: An estimate given by a shipping company that can change based on the actual requirements of your move. Non-binding estimates are generally given by telephone or online and are a basic starting point for your move. Should you have more belongings or require greater accessorial services such as packing and un-packing then your actual shipping costs will be revised upwards based on the services provided.
Origin Agent: The agent at your departure point who is charged with preparing your belongings for the move and for filling out the proper documentation.
Peak Season Rates: Charges for shipping during the high volume season of summer.
Pick-up and Delivery Charges: The cost of having the shipping company pick-up your belongings and then delivery them to your place at your final destination.
Storage In-transit: The temporary warehousing of your belongings until they are moved either to their ultimate destination or placed on another transport. If the storage surpasses 90 days then you will be charged for the extra time.
Valuation: The total value of your shipment.
Warehouse Handling: The charges you must pay for storage in-transit privileges.

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I immediately got a call from a moving company who was very professional. We've had good communication, the survey was punctual and they returned a quotation the following day as promised. So far, so good!

Kate, Buyer
Adelaide, Australia

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